• Capability to add notes to any date (date notes) on the calendar component
What Does It Do
The name CalCountNote (CCN) denotes the application’s three integrated components:
• Calendar - a monthly calendar with a digital clock and an hourly chime..
• Countdown - a realtime Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds countdown to the date of your choice. Similar to my Freeware program, Y2KCD, but with the important flexibility to choose the date.
• Notes - a notepad for collecting To Dos and other important ideas you want to save.
• Date Notes (notes associated with a date) are just one click away.
All three components emphasize small desktop size and easy click-to-use philosophy.
What System Software Do I Need?
CCN requires a minimum of Mac OS 7.0.
It has been tested successfully on the following configurations:
System 7.5.5 on a Mac IIci
System 8.1/8.5 on a PowerComputing PowerTower Pro 200
System 7.1 on a Mac SE
How to Install It:
The CCN folder can be located anywhere on the hard drive. If you aren't sure, just put it in the same folder as other applications.
How to Use the Components:
You choose which components are on the screen. So, if you only want to look at the Calendar, just close the other windows. If you Quit CCN and restart it, only the windows that were open at Quit time are opened. The general Notes and Countdown windows also operate in this manner but notes for specific dates are always closed at start-up.
Balloon Help is provided for the items in the File menu. This is a good way to get familar with the operation. (Note: Why no Balloon Help for the other menus? They are standard menus and are consistent with other Mac applications)
• Displays a monthly calendar with push buttons that allow you to change the month and year. Buttons provide access to future and prior years and future and prior months. The following graphic shows the buttons :
• Displays the current day/time at the top of the window.
• Chime sounds hourly.
• Days until the countdown date is shown at the bottom of the calendar.
• Clicking on a date opens a note window for that specific date. Dates with notes are colorized.
Date Notes are automatically saved when the "DateNotes" window is closed or upon quiting.
(The general note option from version 1.0 is still available via the SHOWNOTES menu option)
• Clicking the countdown date portion of the window opens the "Countdown" window.
• Displays a realtime countdown to the date of your choice. To choose a date use the "Pick Coundown Date" item from the "File" menu. If the months and years change too quickly while picking a date, holding the mouse button down will slow it down.
Note Pad (accessed via shownotes menu item)
• Notes are automatically saved when the "Notes" window is closed or upon quiting the application.
• Use the menus to cut/paste and pick your font, font size, and style.
• The FILE menu can be used to print the notes.
Fees & Distribution:
CCN is distributed as a fully-operational Shareware demo with 15 uses. Please refer to the "Registration Info" document for registration information and instructions. After 15 uses the application will insist that you register. Shareware Fee: $12
CCN is distributed to you as a compressed archive. Individuals are welcome to redistribute only the original compressed archive. Please contact me if you wish to include CCN on a CD-ROM or other commerical endeavor. See Legal Stuff below for more information.
How To Register:
Please refer to the "Registration Info" document that came with the CCN package.
Contact Info:
Legal Stuff:
Legalese (otherwise known as The Licence Agreement)
This is a legal agreement between you and Brian S. Stevens, covering your use of CCN. Be sure to read the following agreement before using the software. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, DO NOT USE THE SOFTWARE AND DESTROY ALL COPIES OF IT.
This copyright software is distributed as shareware. You may use this software without any charge for 15 uses and may distribute the original compressed archive to others. The software is owned by Brian S. Stevens and is protected by United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions. Therefore, you must treat the software like any other copyrighted material (e.g. a book or movie).
Commercial distribution of the software is restricted without permission of Brian S. Stevens. I'll be more than happy to allow you to redistribute this software, but you must first obtain a license from me. I may be contacted at the above email address.
You may not rent or lease the software, nor may you modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the software. If you violate any part of this agreement, your right to use this software terminates automatically and you then must destroy all copies of this software in your possession.
The software and related documentation are provided “AS IS” and without warranty of any kind and Brian S. Stevens, expressly disclaims all other warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. under no circumstances shall Brian S. Stevens, be liable for any incidental, special or consequential damages that result from the use or inability to use the software or related documentation, even if Brian S. Stevens has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Arizona. If for any reason a court of competent jurisdiction finds any provision of this Agreement, or portion thereof, to be unenforceable, that provision of the Agreement shall be enforced to the maximum extent permissible so as to effect the intent of the parties, and the remainder of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect.
Brian S. Stevens. Chandler, Arizona 85225
All trademarks are held by their respective owners.
Version History
1.0 (March 6, 1999)
• Initial release
1.1 (April 10, 1999)
• Internal release - development use only
1.2 (April 25, 1999)
• Include capability to add notes to any specific date/dates on the calendar
• Colorize daynotes to provide visual feedback for the user
1.2.1 (August 24, 1999)
• Memory usage problem fixed that shows up when large numbers of day notes are saved
• Correct date change when CCN is left running past midnight.
1.2.2 (August 30, 1999)
•Minor bolding bug on CD portion of Calendar window corrected